Sunday, March 29, 2009


I did not get crafting this weekend, as I promised myself I would. But, we did venture out on a few tours this weekend...some mundane tasks such as picking up groceries and other more fun and exciting: seeing good friends who recently moved to Waterloo.
On Friday night, we just happened to see a voyeristic raccoon on our deck. I managed to get a shot of him, although the photo is rather dark. Unfortunately, Mr. Raccoon and Mr. Skunk (and probably their respective families) are living under our deck. This simply won't do. So, this week I will need to pay a phone call to wildlife control. Eeeks.
Molly soaked up the sun in the upstairs hallway on Saturday. We soaked up a trip to our favourite local winery: Thirty Bench Wine Makers. They honestly make the best Riesling ever...their 2007 version is very, very good. Above is a shot of only some of their vines. Soon, the rows will be green...for this I am very excited!
On the way up Highway 6 to Guelph (on our way to Waterloo), we saw this street car in a farmer's field. A stop in Guelph was inevitable, as they have a Bath & Body Works store and I needed a quick fix!
Sunday was filled with sleeping in, groceries, a bit of laundry and a wonderful meal with Ma & Pa Goddard at one of our local restaurants: The Innsville.
I hope your weekend was as great as mine! I will be back on here this week with some of my completed projects!

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