Friday, October 23, 2009


Do you ever feel like your brain is fried and you never did anything to make it that way?  I think my plugged sinuses are making me feel like I am a bit on auto-pilot.  These have been my friend the past few weeks... 

Plus, it's super dreary here.  Gray, drizzly and cold.  Blech.'s FRIDAY!  And I will have myself a glass of Riesling and settle in with this gal:

I love you, Cecilia!  Our little ditch dog!

Another perk up today.  A haircut by my childhood friend, Tasha.  I really needed a thin-out and going into this visit, I wanted to channel Ms. Evangelista circa 1993.

Why does my chin always look freakishly long? 
Well, at least I can admit I am not photogenic and that's okay!

Lalala Lovely Linda...

Happy Start of the Weekend, peeps!


Molly said...

Oh, I hope you feel better! I fear my romp out in the snow may bring on my first autumn cold.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Feel better soon okie!
Love the hairstyle, so chic darling!

cheatymoon said...

I am often fried on friday. Battling sinuses here too. Cute new 'do.

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

Every time Linda E's Revlon lipstick ad comes on I tell my boyfriend I need to buy some so that I can wear it, look like her + make $10,000 a day! I tried to go for a Cristy Turlington look once, long ago. You are closer on the mark to your look

Modern Crush said...

Ohh I love love love the cut! You have the perfect face you devil you!! XO PS I am dying to know your Halloween costume!