Next year, we need to throw a Hallowe'en party, because nothing happened.
No kids at the door.
Nada. Zero.
I began watching the 3rd season of Gilmore Girls with this fuzzy thang...
and this one...
I am hopelessly addicted. I love the dynamic and all the pop culture references. My next purchase? Weeds. That show puts my husband and I in stitches.
We prepped the house for winter today. Oh my. Still more to do, but the bulk of it is done. The patio furniture is stored away, the mambo pile of leaves raked on our front lawn is gone and all of the garden knick-knacks have been pulled out. I only have the back garden to tend to. That should add another 4 bags to this pile:
Mr. Organics man is not gonna be pleased on Wednesday morning.
Oh! If you're a keen gardener like yours truly, please remember to go ape shit on your pumpkins (read: smash 'em!) and put them in your garden. So very good for it!
Happy November...
I feel ya, Sister. We only had one trick-or-treater last night and I gave the kiddo a ton of candy.
Most of the neighbors on our street are advanced in years and don't participate, so I guess the neighborhood kids skip the whole lot of us.
Love your furbabies.
haha! your halloween was about as exciting as mine!
and weeds is so good. i am positively ADDICTED!!!!
I haven't seen either of those shows, I'm such a loser...
I didn't know that pumpkin thing... I bet the kids will have fun smashing them into the garden! thanks for the tip!
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