Monday, February 23, 2009

Listography & Moody Cat

I bought this book/journal on the weekend. I am a list-maker extraordinaire, so it was right up my alley. Are you a list-maker, too? Yes? Check out the website.

Photo #1: content cat.
Photo #2 (taken seconds later): pissy cat.
How do their moods change so dramatically?
I think I can relate!
Happy Monday!


Urban Organica said...

hello, fellow creative monster! i've thoroughly enjoyed your yellows. there's so many fun resources here! we're playing a list game ~ starting 20 years-forward, what happened in your life? it's not a list of goals but a playful sequencing of our current dreams & aspirations. wanna play?

Urban Organica said...

okay, yay! go here:
folks are going to post on their blogs & at the comments. can't wait to see what you're up to!