This week's WWW (Whatcha Wearin' Wednesday brought to you by the fab Fi!) brings you a cheap-o pair ($15.00!) of green leather ballet flat/gladiators (??) from good ol' Walmart. I really don't like Walmart. I love that it is cheap and offers everything imaginable but I don't like that everytime I go there I see mothers yelling at their quiet kids and other domestic situations. I also don't appreciate that small, independent businesses have been given a death sentence everytime a Wally World moves into town. I guess cheap and plenty is where its at and I am guilty as charged. Now, these are no Louboutins (check out Mayra's fine footwear here! **little girl squeal!**) but I rather like their funkiness:
On to my latest baby. The restorative enzyme peel. I have always had the odd zitter, but since my late twenties and hitting my thirties (now, now, I am only 32!), the good ol' blackheads and pimples the size of Everest like to present themselves all too frequently. Enter Aloette Restorative Enzyme Peel. At Lis' spa day/bachelorette last weekend, I believe we all made our way out the door with what we have dubbed "the green goop". I have never used Aloette products before, but I am already giving this two thumbs up and its early days yet. You cleanse, dry your face and slather this gel on and rub for 60 seconds until it becomes liquid. Soon after, you feel grit. But it's not's your dead skin! Yum-may! It's to be initially used every other day for 60 days. I bought two jars. I wanted a bucket of it. Review after the 60 day period will be posted!
Yeah! Before and after pics!! So how much does each little jar of green goop run? That is so weird about the gritty skin. I wonder were I can get my hands on some...
P.S. The green shoes ROCK! <3
i love your funky shoes!!! i had some funky green cydwoq sandals a few years back, but my bf said they had to go. they were too "elfin" for him!!! ha hahahhahahahah! they were about 10 times funkier than your cute little numbers!
and PLEASE tell me how that green gooooooo holds up after 60 days. i am 39 and still have the occasional break out. NOT FUCKING FAIR! stupid! that is for teens!
so cute!
ballet flat/gladiators + baliators?!
ps: thanks for the well wishes &being so SWEET!
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