Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So, today I made a pitstop into one of the better Winner's locations in the area, on the way to visit The Nana.  As I waited in the checkout (after locating killer Missoni sunglasses for $30!) I took a look at the lady in front of me...

...a total double of Stiffler's mom. 
She wore a black leather motorcycle jacket, a tiny beige corduroy miniskirt, a fedora and these boots:

Very cool.

Some other fun things I am thinking are very cool at the moment:

Bracelet (on sale!) found at Aldo.

The pages of the Toast home catalogue that was in my mailbox a day after the clothing one arrived!  Excellent!

I am truly loving the get-up on this gal found on The Sartorialist

Everything just works.

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

essbesee said...

I love that actress and thought at first you saw her, then I realized it was just her double. Odd, I saw my Mom's double today and it was fuh-reaky. Very twilight zone.