Thursday, April 29, 2010

Swedish Hasbeens

I cannot get enough of these clogs from Swedish Hasbeens:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Think I'm In Love

Almost 15 years ago, I saw my first head massager "whisk".  It was CAD$45.00 at the time.

Now, at CAD$6.95, I am getting one and will employ my husband to whisk away! 
'Cause let's face it, you really can't give yourself a head massage effectively.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

What the...?

Eeeks!  Where have I been?  Certainly not here!
Well, I guess I took an unintentional blog break.  We've had some super cool things come up since I last posted, and my mind hasn't really been into surfing on the computer a whole lot.  But hopefully, I have some stuff to post about from now on.

Let's see...

Spring has really arrived, but the coldness is crap.  I hate cold days, even when the sun is out.
But, my Kiefer pear tree has bloomed.  That makes me super happy...

(me thinks the porch roof needs a new shingle job...add it to the list!)

I have my Claw Spring Swap package ready to go for Beth over at What I Should Have Said.  Beth, I'll be shippin' it off to you tomorrow.  Gosh only knows how long it'll take to get to Georgia. 
My fingers are crossed.

So, about my Etsy store.  It is still there, but nothing in it yet.  Grrrr.  I will update when I list items.
It will happen!

I really hope that Miss Vickie's chips are available in the US and the rest of the world, but I doubt it, 'cause that's just how things go.  Well, I love Miss Vickies, especially the Sea Salt & Vinegar variety...

..but now they have Balsamic Vinegar & Sweet Onion!  Delish!  Get your paws on some.

Lately, I have been thinking about getting another pair of TOMS. 
Mine have had it.
Thankfully, Hamilton has a store that carries them, so that I don't have to spend a mittful on shipping.
Hope you're having a kickin' Sunday!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Rainy Day Surprises

Oooh, my we're having a week of rain.  And although I know it's needed, I prefer sunshine and lots of it.

But, I did get my own version of sunshine...a swap package from the awesome blog, 1017

The goodies are incredible!:
~ two (count 'em!...two!) large chocolate bars
~ beautiful Japanese hand-painted paper & matching envelopes
~ a gorgeous needlepoint (I know EXACTLY where it is going, too!)
~ a funky multi-coloured knit neck wrap
~ ceramic & wooden beads
~ a copy of Organic Gardening magazine
and a pop-up sponge (those things are great!)

Thank you again, 1017!

I finally received my cream vintage handbag from Dalena Vintage yesterday. 
I seriously think customs like to hoard things to make people wait.  Grrrr!

I hope you're all having an awesome week.  And preferably in sunshine. 


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cheese Graters & Dremel Tools

Today marks my first 2010 pedicure and boy, do I need it!

My aunt (Kerry...she prefers her actual name not be synonymous with the "aunt" title) and I started a little tradition of going together.  I love that we live close to each other and can do such things.  Weeeee!

After yesterday's massive yard clean-up, I am so ready to sit in a chair for an hour and have my legs rubbed, scrubbed and polished.  Oh yes. 

What are you doing today?


Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter!

I couldn't have a post with out a super cute lop bunny (my fave!)...

...or this ol' joke...


My gal, Sherri over at The Claw, bestowed upon moi a Prolific Blogger Award!  What?! 

Thanks so much! 

This is switz~art's first award.  Le sigh.

And you can be sure, 'cause it's switz~art's first award, that this little icon is going to the right of the screen.  Oh yes. 

I am to pass on this award to 7 other amazing bloggers that I believe are deserving:

Here are the rules to being a magnificent Prolific Blogger....

1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers.

2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.

3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to this post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.

4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners.
