Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I just returned from my Tuesday night yoga class. Feeling fresh, renewed and really...like butter. I came home to twinkling dragonflies in the garden and the sound of frogs across the road.

Before I retire to a nice warm bed for the night, I am going to pop into le studio to make some treats to send off to some lovely people...

I will post tonight's creations tomorrow...
Sleep tight,


Modern Crush said...

That room is magical!! Oh I wish I had a ceiling like that!! lucky :)

Amy said...

Thank you, because I think it looks cluttered and what not. But what it comes down to is that it makes me happy.

It's a spare room upstairs in our house. Trev has to have a garage and I have to have a craft room. Even if I end up in a cardboard box one day, I will make sure I still have "a space". ;-)

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

Woo-Hoo! Tues. night yoga class. Good for you!