Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekend Observations

How was your weekend?

Mine conjured up some observations that I thought I'd pop on here to share with the blogosphere.

'Kay, so, I acknowledge that if you don't have a receipt for something you want to bring from the US to the Great White North, you can really piss off (and get pissed off by) not one...

...not two...

...but three Canadian border patrol agents.

I also acknowledge that "it's simply common sense" that I would not try such things. 
However, I am a big believer in trying almost anything once.

I also observed that the movie Bride Wars was not even remotely the fun, mindless film that I expected it to be.  I could not be convinced that Hathaway & Hudson were best friends in this flick.  Bad.  Stinky.  Rotten.

I watched Notting Hill a few times before.  I thought it was an oldie/goodie chick flick.
Amazing how years gone by will change your perspective...

I also noticed that Taylor Momsen from Gossip Girl consistently wears too much eye make-up.  No?

Thankfully, Lisa and Paulo are making the 3 hour tour down here for a visit this coming weekend!  Yeehaw!

What do you have planned or do you still have a case of the Mondays?...


drollgirl said...

taylor has waaaaaaaaaaaay too much makeup on, she is TOO SKINNY, and her facial expressions drive me BONKERS. not really a fan!!! i can't blame it all on the script -- i blame her delivery! i could go on and on! a hahhahahahaha!

Raina Cox said...

Girlfriend, I had a horrendous Monday.

Scraping old wallpaper glue off my daughter's bedroom walls for HOURS...

Bickering with my hubz who worked from home because of bad weather...

A nearly $600 lab bill for some pretty routine medical tests (yeah, my insurance company is getting an earful tomorrow)...

More bickering with hubz about how the medical bill just ate my decorating budget for the month...

Is it Tuesday yet?

P.S. Thanks for listening/reading.

cheatymoon said...

Yeah, I thought Bride Wars was silly and wanted my 2 hours back. But the 13 year old girl I watched it with thought it was great. :-)

Hoping the week flies by til your fun weekend.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

oi, too much eye make-up...I was guilty when I was younger! yay~ older & wiser now...errr I think?!

Amy said...

Raina...Oh my word. Not a good Monday at all for you. Tuesday HAS to be better! Good luck with the med bills...I understand the States has a different gig than us Canucks, but I know that insurance companies are not cool! Grrrr!

Lenore...actually Taylor's make-up is not as bad in this's usually way shittier.

Erin...Bride Wars is def a movie for the tween set. I usually dig flicks like this, but not so much this one. No chemistry. I need chemistry! :-D

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

A word on Taylor's look- it's similar to the look many cool moms in my neighborhood had in the 80's, raccoon eyes + platinum hair. Here's the funny thing, as a kid I loved that look and wanted to have it when I grew up